Staying Healthy (Mentally)at Home

Water is my life!!!

Water is my life!!!


This is a challenging time for all of us there is no doubt about it! It was just 2 weeks ago that life was as we always know it, kids busy with school, a full calendar of meetings and appointments and all of us hustling to prepare for the next day. Now getting through each day is an accomplishment. The more we can stay on a schedule and stay in touch with our loved ones, tackle small tasks each day, the easier it will be to feel somewhat normal. Some things I’ve done every day that might help

  • Wake up at your normal time

  • Take a morning walk

  • Make your bed and get dressed like you were going to go somewhere!

  • Take a late morning walk, a mid-afternoon walk, and evening walk.. just get out as much as you can.. because nature isn’t cancelled.

  • FaceTime your friends and family

  • Go to bed at your normal time.

  • Drink water, drink water, drink water!


Delicata Squash is back


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